By Faith We Build

GodReflection: Faith Certainties

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family Hebrews 11:1 & 7.

garyguarujaNoah is certainly among the first faith builders.

The Hebrew author writes Christians in the face of intense persecution and cites Noah as an example to encourage his readers. He built because he knew the Almighty.

build1I will return to the Noah reference in a moment, but first I want to explore a big principle he proclaims to all God followers.

By faith we build.

Once again I come back to where I began in Hebrews 11:1. Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

I find I’ve returned time and again to Jesus concern of faith building.

In Jesus’ first recorded public proclamation recorded in Matthew seven, he speaks of faith builders as constructors of lives on a solid rock foundation as opposed to those who build faith on sand that shifts and sinks.

After the disciple Peter made his discovery confession of Jesus with the words, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:18), Jesus declares with affirmation the foundation key to all future faith building from his ascension until his return.

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” 

by-faith-we-buildI must recognize and confess  Jesus as the Messiah, Son of the living God who guides my role as a partner with the Holy as I build by own faith and attempt to see the overflow  of Jesus’ love from my life into the lives of others. 

One more observation before I return to Noah. 

When I limit Jesus’ declaration, “I will build my church” to a focus only through the activities of “my local church,” my vision will miss the scope of faith builder. As a follower of Jesus when I build by faith in all areas of my walk I am a church builder—not a para-church worker. 

Whatever entity or manner in which I am called to express faith building in addition to my local church activities falls into the realm of participation of building church and fath across the face of the globe. 

Now back to Noah. 

Noah had never seen a flood nor a boat. He probably had never felt rain. How could he possibly envision water from the sky that would join with fountains from the deep to cover the tallest trees and the highest mountains? 

What Noah had seen was God. 

He did not doubt the power of the Almighty. 

So at God’s command he set to work by faith to build a boat described by God to save himself, his family, and God’s animals from destruction. Out of HOLY fear he believed God. 

build-3Inspired by Noah and touched by Jesus I find myself in a body—described by Paul as a weak clay pot—placed on earth for a span of time that overlaps two different centuries. 

Since Jesus resurrection his disciples have served in all corners of the world for 21 centuries to build by faith. Each of us pick up our tools, submit whatever gifts we’ve been assigned, and build with confident belief and assurance that King Jesus will return one day to take a perfect church to live with the HOLY for all eternity. 

As I wait I am content to keep on keeping on because I am promised “things not yet seen.”

Stay tuned.

Dr. Gary J. Sorrells

P.S. I apologize for a period of sporadic posts. I am attempted to get my eyes “computer screen compatible” after an unforeseen reaction to a medical procedure. I have missed the growth of thinking, composing, and sharing.

A GodReflection on By Faith We Build





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