I Have a Secret

GodReflection: God Shares His Secret

garyguaruja“I have a secret and I’m not about to tell—la, la, la, la!” Can’t you just see it? A child is about to bust at the seams as she hold special information someone shared with her with the condition she would tell no one.

secret5In the case of children it usually does not take long until they can’t hold it any longer and “accidently” spill their secret beans.

Secrets are the norm in today’s world. Some are held for security reasons while many are leaked for alleged political reasons.

Some are held because we judge others to be unable to handle the truth or maybe we guard secrets due to shame.

In a recent walk through Paul’s Prison Epistles I came across a nugget of gold in both Ephesians and Colossians that I had not noticed in previous reads.

secret6Ok, I’ll admit to having read a version that isn’t a word for word literal translation but rather a paraphrase that seeks an accurate meaning with an easier language flow.

I read the verse, God did what he had purposed, and made known to us the secret plan he had already decided to complete by means of Christ (Ephesians 1:9)

More literal translations read something like the following: He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ (NIV).

The first translation makes it easier to see the meaning.

secret12In my mind the word mystery doesn’t seem to fit. Automatically, I associate mystery with crime novels and whodunit stories. With mystery the answer is hidden by the cryptic, the inscrutable and the vague.

Associated with the word mystery always seems to be something dark and obscure. It is an unknown that requires a detective in search of clandestine pieces of hidden parts to put the puzzle together.

God doesn’t deal mysteriously with His human creation. His purpose is to make communication clear. He does not play hide and seek.

secret8I readily admit to fathom the entirety of God is cloaked in mystery. It’s more than my human mind can grasp. The dense fog is too great between the human mind and the Holy Creator.

But, the secret God guarded until just the right time in history is straight forward and is administered in the form of a gift.

He presents His secret in full view of history from the first announcement to the drop of the curtain that will culminate in perfection.

Once I recognize the secret described by the Apostle Paul in his Ephesian and Colossian letters It occurs to me that it is the primary subject matter throughout the entirety of the New Testament.

secret11Over the next few posts I hope you will join me as I examine the simplicity of the big secret God shared at a pre-planned moment in history.

Sense it has already been announce it must delight the Father and cause a smile every time one of His little children spill the beans and tell others.

Stay tuned.

Dr. Gary J. Sorrells

A GodReflection: I have a Secret

Gary@Godreflection.org  www.GodReflection.org  www.MakeYourVisionGoViral.com



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